Your Money Mindset

April 6, 2020
Shanna Windle

Your Money Mindset

Ways to stay content with the money in your pocket: Shifting focus to true living.

Give a chance to your mind to dive deep into intense thinking and when it can think deep, let it assess the value of money in your life. It is a fact that money is one of the few questionable things in one’s life, just like everything which represents the materialistic nature of this world. Sometimes we might think that money buys us all the necessities and luxuries of life, but if we think deeply, some of us might believe that it is in fact one of the evils of our life. Let us make out why it can be one of the ills of our life.

Some of us earn money just to make the essential elements of life easily accessible. But for others, money and wealth are an obsession. Money is always scarce for such groups, no matter how hard they try to acquire a great amount of it. For both types of people, money is an exchange of energy. People use their energy to work and in return they receive money. So, what can one do to bring money to its correct position in life? Such a position where money can serve its objectives i.e. to help one in living and is also healthy for the mind and body?

1. Go back to the roots:  

If you are one of those who are more like a ‘money producing machine’ and less like a living being, then you need to go back to the origin of your psychology regarding money. It is important for you to know your rationale for such thinking about money being an obsession in your life. If you find out that it is not your own underlying principle and this belief has been transferred to you by someone else for e.g. family or any influential friend, then you are not living your own life. Most of us have the attraction for money because we see everyone having the same attraction. It is therefore havoc. Change it!

2. Re-guide your brain:  

It was just mentioned above ‘change it’ and some of you might be thinking that it is not as easily applicable as written above. It is true that changing one’s mentality towards something as luxurious as money, is not an effortless task. It requires immense mental training. You must focus on all the other blessings of life which you are being deprived of, because you are so madly running after cash and currency. Once you have listed out the blessings, try to enjoy them. Usually you don’t even have to ‘try’ to enjoy these blessings because these ‘other’ bounties of life are just scattered around you, waiting for you to approach them and just unwrap them and get pleasure from the joys which you get from these bounties. Train your mind to enjoy simple charms of life instead of being habitual of luxurious entertainment.

3. Create a positive mindset:

The training which your brain has just received should be persistent. To constantly remind your brain of the new concepts, you will have to bring a positive change in your approach towards money. This demands you not to run after money. But this does not also mean to sit back home and think that money will make its way towards you automatically. Work hard but set limits. Apart from working hard, think positive. As many theories in psychology say that what you perceive of the external world is merely your inner self. Therefore, if you think positive, you will perceive the world as favorable. This also applies to money. Jog your memory for the fact that the amount of money which has been created for you in this universe will make its way in your direction.

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